Sunday 16 October 2016

More bathroom progress...

The last two weekends have mostly been spent doing smaller but necessary chores and a couple of social things. Dave and I managed to ruin ourselves on Rum and sit up playing loud punk/metal/80's pop music till 2.30am wearing macabre top hats - I think we needed some escapism. Then I went to Hogging the Bridge (a charity bikers run) with my old mate Jenks & the kids.

The latest bathroom progress is as follows:
The loo cistern has been a condensation magnet so I'm trying a YouTube fix whereby you line the cistern with a yoga mat and industrial strength glue, this acts as a sort of insulation (and could be considered a cowboy version of cistern lining), so MAY stop the condensation. Dad was helping and he was convinced the glue wasn't sticking. We couldn't find and gaffer tape to hold it in place, so the cistern is currently filled with an array of heavy objects to hold it in place whilst it dries! Fingers crossed this will work. The knock on effect of the damp cistern, was that it blew the plaster behind it. So Dad has just chipped the shot stuff off, and we re-plastered that section along with the final wall to be done and above the door. The plastering was by no means quality this time, due to us being plastered the night before (is it ever??), but I'm embracing the rustic finish for my rustic house!

The toilet soil pipe didn't have enough of a gradient on it, so we are lifting it slightly to allow gravity to work it's magic in harmony with the flush.

Dad extended the flex pipes to both the sink taps and the loo, just to be on the safe side.

The radiator is now in and working a treat. It looks very lovely, again slightly raising the overall temperature of the bathroom.

I have pulled the old nails out of the window frame and Dave and I put some decent architrave around it.

We cut the wood for the larger window sill and screwed the toilet down. It's a bloody novelty to sit on a toilet that doesn't wobble, none of this gingerly lowering yourself down business anymore!! Yippee, I can safely wait until I'm really desperate again!

Last week we painted 3 of the walls and the ceiling.

This weekend I painted all of the final wall areas and around the windows. It took 8 bloody hours!!!! Although it does look gorgeous. I was very good and unscrewed the toilet cistern so I could paint behind it, then spent blooming ages trying to get the rubber washers back in place to screw it back down. Jenks came over and we drank tea and talked shit as I painted, which was a very welcome distraction. He also showed me how to adjust the flush handle, as the angle it was at was just all wrong (pointing downwards, meaning you had to shut the loo seat down before you could flush it), especially for splashy, messy little boys! I also tightened bits on the flush system and it's stopped dripping, mind you not before pulling the waste pipe off and splashing water all over the floor (at least I hope it was 'water'). The drip has moved, so I still need to address that at some point, for now it is addressed with a good old Tupperware box fix!

So there you have it, we are on the home straight with the bathroom. All that is left to do is:

  • Buy and fix up skirting boards
  • Fasten down the floorboards & fill the gap by the door
  • Box in the sink and mount the shaver point
  • Box in the soil pipe
  • Build all shelving/cupboards and box in the boiler
  • Fit new light & spot light
  • Tile behind the sink
  • Put architrave around the door
  • Replace broken glass in the door
  • Put shelf basket up in shower
  • Put mirror and pictures up
  • Sort the drip!

The carpentry may be fun, I have no idea how to do things like that, so will be my Dad & Dave's apprentice. I'm so looking forward to it being finished, it's been a massive task, but is starting to look beautiful and somewhat mature...Jenks thinks I've grown up finally! xx

Lining the loo cistern, using the every tool in the box method

Curtain pole up and painted

Removal of loo so that the blown plaster could be stripped back

Re-plastered  and other areas plastered
Painted and loo fixed back down
Sink is now screwed in place and back wall painted

Radiator in and wall painted.

Monday 3 October 2016

Bathroom...sloooooooooow but ongoing progress

The bathroom left a lot to be desired, uninviting would be an understatement. It was the sort of room that left you feeling tainted, used and grubby even after a bath!

The entire room was tiled with white tiles and some sort of revolting 60's green patterned tile as 'accents'. The radiator was painted matt black, the loo seat was broken, flimsy plastic, but amusingly seemed to be a soft closing one, the pan repulsively stained, like the 'worst toilet in Scotland' from Trainspotting. The over the bath shower didn't work and was an electrical death trap, the bath was scrawled upon by a child with indelible ink. The sink was filthy, nesting in a built in corner monstrosity. Under closer inspection removing the panels from this built in carbuncle, revealed an abundance of cat shit. The whole room was so grimy no amount of cleaning could shift the dirt. The taps barely worked, we had one scalding hot water tap into the bath, and one very battered cold tap into the sink. Finally, the poor floorboards had sagged irretrievably south. The estate agent pictures were cleverly over exposed so it didn't look so bad on the advert!!

The first task was to smash out remove the old horrors. Dave demolished the tiles and managed to lacerate himself spraying blood up the wall! However, between us we cleared the room pretty quickly, with my steadfast Dave doing numerous tip runs.

Having delusions of grandeur, meant that I decided I wanted a roll top Victorian bath to luxuriate in whilst eating Cadbury's Flake and flooding the bathroom. We found one on ebay, complete with resplendent gold claw feet, for £100 collection only down in Wales. Dad and Dave nearly crippled themselves collecting it. It then took four men (Dad, Dave, Kev - the man mountain and Roger xxx), to get the thing upstairs, apparently Kev using ropes tied around his waist to haul it up was a sight to behold!

I was given an old porcelain French sink as a new wash basin, a second hand, but good quality porcelain toilet and a re-purposed shower cubicle. I bought and found various fixtures and fittings to tart them up, then Dave & Dad set to work. They made a new doorway, attached new joists, lay new straight floorboards down, drilled holes in external walls for waste pipes and plumbed things in. It meant showering at my parents and crossing our legs for a few weeks, but we got there....a functioning bathroom, with only minimal hitches.....of sorts (the toilet needs some tlc).

Progress then slowed over the summer. I learnt to plaster, so between my always amazing Daddy-o and I, we repaired and plastered three walls and a ceiling. We also tiled the shower, a task I'd learnt the previous year. This weekend the posh new radiator went in, as did the shaving/toothbrush charging point.

We are on the home straight with the bathroom, despite it taking seven months (and counting), longer than anticipated. I have all the bits and pieces for it now. the biggest expense was the light. I did have a vintage glass chandelier I hoped to use, but after the fifth person (Clive, my buddy and builder), warned me that it was unsafe, I relented. I have now ordered a beautiful cut glass Scandinavian flush light. It is zone 2 safe and has an IP rating of 44. It was my one indulgence,  I can safely say I will NEVER spend that much on a light again, even if I managed to pay less than half price by the time I used vouchers and so on. We also wont be eating for the next month! I justified this by levying it against a gorgeous pair of full length ivory textured drapes I found in a charity shop for £4.99, and a bargain sheepskin rug...well that's my purchase conscience nonsense anyway!!

We still have a wall to plaster, cupboards to build, boxing in to do, skirting boards to add, and lots of smaller jobs but the ETA is Christmas, so with a few more busy weekends we can get there I'm sure.

True to his beautiful self (spot the Sex Pistols reference) , Dave even found a vintage Flake tin and filled it with Flakes. All in preparation for the most beautifully ostentatious powder room I've ever immersed myself in!

I'll let you know how we get on.......xx

Obligatory over exposed estate agent shot of bathroom
Reality of hideous bathroom
Dad and Dave with bacon butties ready to continue demolishing things

Beautiful roll top bath, with Flake tin!

Wall exposed ready for plumbing shower in
Corner sink and bath pulled out, ready to move the toilet over
New sink and loo in place. With new floorboards also.
Shower cubicle in and plastered walls
Tiling being done in shower

Shower in place and ready to use