Sunday 18 December 2016

The Loovre - Arting up the bathroom and last chores

Bathroom progress is still slow, but not so steady. Due to a number of things, one being the death of a very dear friend, this has rocked those of us close to him to the very core and broken our hearts. When something like that happens, everything else takes a back seat. The minutiae of daily life becomes unimportant, and as I'm finding, is remaining so for the moment. Merely having a bath or shower became a task, let alone finishing the renovation.

My friend was a do-er, partly why we got on so well, we both preferred to get on with something (after a little procrastination on my part) rather than sit around being apathetic. He'd often be busy rushing about completing tasks, stopping for a cuppa and chinwag, then saying 'right...gotta keep moving' off to his next set of chores...such is the life of a single parent, which again, we both understood so well.

So....the goal was to complete the bathroom, initially by last Easter, however as always seems to happen, we missed that by miles. In old houses, you often uncover botches that have been kept secret for decades, or that something you thought would work, so was finished, doesn't, so it isn't! Our new goal is Christmas, but with only a week to go and feeling pretty bloody fragile, this may be missed also!

As a result we've only done smaller tasks in the bathroom. Builder and friend Clive redirected the soil pipe as that was proving to be problematic. Dad has built the shells for the cupboards, put the lights and radiator in, I have framed some pictures and Dave has put them up.

I am a clutter freak, if there is a bare surface or wall I WILL put something on it. I just cant do minimalist. I want the bathroom to be a calm place, where you can wash away your cares and shut the world out for a while, but I also need things to stimulate the senses. Interesting things to look at. Ive collected bits and pieces for years, knowing one day they'd all have a place. So here is a snapshot of some of those pictures and curios (believe me there are many other bits and bobs such as a gold monkey holding a tray, a vintage vets horses piss collection jar and black opium soap).

 -  beautiful print from a friend who played in an orchestra in Vienna

Technically this isn't in the bathroom, it's just outside the door, but I love this!

Vintage French chocolate cards and 1920's postcard

Artisan metal angel wings (god I sound pretentious, but they are massive and sexy)

Found these two in craft markets, and the letter stamps I've had for years from Baileys in Ross-on-Wye

The light, this was the most expensive thing I've ever bought. Cut glass from Scandinavia, but it's safe and pretty - check out the fairies it leaves on the ceiling!

Vintage tins and shit!

There really isn't much left to do now:

  • Patch plastering and painting
  • Skirting boards on
  • Boxing in pipes  
  • Architrave around door
  • Fixing down window shelves
  • Tiling behind the sink
  • Sand floor
  • Make cupboard doors
  • Mount shaver point.
  • Final snagging

There you have it. In an ideal world I will blog next week about the finished bathroom, but I very much doubt it. Grief makes you extremely tired and I think I've hit the wall! xx

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