Tuesday 28 February 2017

Lime mortar and snot

Whilst the boys were busy doing the heavy stonework in the kitchen, I decided I would get on with doing the new lime mortar in the room of doom. Having finished my nemesis of mortar raking out the old lime at the end of the week and cleaned the stone up, this was the next step for the exposed stone wall.
I cant pretend using lime didn't mildly bother me, I had visions of the lime turning my flesh into a seething, fizzing mess of decomposition. It didn't, but I have had a spot outbreak (so unfair aged 40 something), split my nails , dried my hair out and gave me an itchy rash on my back. The other joyous side effect seems to be that I may have an allergy to it. My nose was running constantly and my tongue swelled up, despite wearing a mask! Two days on and my nostrils are peeling and I'm still very snotty. It's brutal bloody stuff...or have I just got a cold...who knows!

Jenks used to be a builder by trade, so after me watching several YouTube videos on how to apply mortar, he also gave me a quick lesson. The lime mortar we used was a ready mix version, so was dryer than expected, however it was pretty easy to do once I got started and had the right tools for the job:
A decent bucket.
Gloves (loads of pairs of the disposable ones)
A stiff brush
A softer brush
6 inch pointing trowel.

I managed to do the entire wall in two days! It looks lovely and has lightened the room right up. I still have to install the flue for the fireplace after my mini disaster, then I can rebuild the bits that need repairing. I will also need to clean off the red bricks on the surround, they have concrete on then so are a much harder job. Then I need to give the stones a quick clean and seal them with a breathable sealant (which is REALLY expensive)!! One step closer, and one of the worst jobs Ive had to do so far done!

Mortar raking done. It really is THE worst job ever!
Dusty as a dusty thing.

The stone wall before mortar raking

After mortar raking

The wall is repointed, but the flue still needs to be joined up.

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