Tuesday 13 September 2016

Pro-cat-stination and other excuses....

On Sunday afternoon of September 11th 2016, we collected our new additions. Brother and sister gingers cats.  They are 11 and three quarter months old, and will have their first birthday on September the 18th. I have already discovered how difficult writing on a computer is with cats. The keyboard must have similar properties to catnip, as every time I sit down to type, one, or both, come and lie on it!

They are very beautiful rescue cats and unusually for rescues, they don't have a particularly sad back story either. Their previous owners got a dog that didn't get on with the cats. So they made a sensible decision to re-home them via the Cat's Protection League, allowing them to have a better family life. They were clearly very loved and handled a lot, as they are extremely affectionate moggy's.

I have had cats before and do enjoy the companionship of them (I must confess to being in the high risk category of being a mad cat lady. If I'm particularly annoyed or stressed, stupid cat and cute kitten YouTube clips always make me smile - goddamn I just typed that out loud didn't I)!! I like the fact they trip you up at the top of the stairs, shred toilet paper, knock things that interest them off the sides, misjudge leaps and try to steal anything you are eating that they think actually should be theirs.

You may recall in the previous posting that we were going to rename the cats.
The male, who is enormous and has white socks, bib and tip of tail, is called Behemoth. After a demonic, firearm and vodka loving cat character in one of my favourite books, The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov.
The female, who is a dark ginger, with beautiful round amber eyes, is called Osiris, which could be considered a male name I suppose.... Osiris is the Egyptian God of the afterlife, the underworld and the dead, it is also my son, Jasper's, favourite Egyptian deity.

The cats have to stay in for two weeks to acclimatise to their new home, meaning we have to keep the doors and windows closed. Anyone that knows me, knows I was born in a barn, shutting doors and I just dont seem to mix well. If you're doing DIY and creating lots of dust, or lugging tools and so on around, the door needs to be open. Therefore since Sunday, and the imposed lock down, I've discovered a new noun related to my lack of DIY and more relaxed state. Pro-cat-stination. I walk by a cat, I have to smooth it, I sit down and a ball of fluff appears on my lap, a cat is sleeping on my bed - naturally I have to join it. This all takes time!

In my defense this is bonding, AND I did look up carbide drill bits on the screwfix website this morning.........

Osiris spying on the neighbours

Behemoth wondering if he can leap upwards safely

Behemoth on my bed

Beautiful Osiris

Chunky Behemoth

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