Saturday 20 August 2016

29th of August....

...on this day in history: 

  • 1923 Richard Attenborough was born 
  • 1950 British troops arrive in Korea to bolster the US presence there during the  Korean War (incidentally my Grandad went there with the Glorious Gloucester's Regiment and got shot in the buttocks)
  • 1953 the USSR explodes its first hydrogen bomb
  • 1964 Mary Poppins is released on film
  • 2015 I get the keys to my first house!

It's raining hard and the door is so swollen we cant get in!

Dad comes and shoulder barges the door, we get in! There is no electric, no running water, mould all over the walls and the boiler needs condemning....I adore it! 

The boys come and have a good look around with me, but sadly it is too unsavoury for them to move in just yet. Mum cooks a huge everlasting vat of curry for the workers and we have copious bottles of fizz ready for the evening. My adored, and long suffering friends and family*, now spend the next few days moving and handling the previous god knows how many tenants, discarded rubbish out, and my treasured museum of important shit (along with all the other less exciting life essentials such as plates, beds and wardrobes) in. The boys will stay with Nanny and Grandad for the next six weeks. Now the hard work begins!! 

*As a side note during this time I met my partner in crime Dave, we have known each other since we were at secondary school (over 30 years ago), so I hope he didn't get too many horrific suprises! He was hoping this sentence read more like this...'a roguishly handsome, yet sensitive goth fell for me along the

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