Saturday 20 August 2016

Daring to Dream

Two years ago I found myself at a particularly challenging period of my life. Working full time, finishing a masters degree, facing major surgery due to rampant endometriosis and a single mummy to 3 little boys. We were also living crammed into a small 2 bedroom, rented mid-terrace house in a city I wasn't overly fond of, partly due to the terrible parking and relentless barking dogs!

Now that may sound a little negative, it wasn't. That was my life, and I was happy with the choices I had made and the lot I had, even though I was pretty exhausted!

Yet, I had always had this dream that one day I would live in a little cottage of my own and if I was lucky I would be able to have an art studio in a shed. Here I could happily while away the hours painting or making stuff! In reality, I knew this was a pipe dream. I was getting older, my wages were low, the economy was at constant threat of recession, and saving for a deposit whilst providing for my boys was nearly impossible. Furthermore, a mortgage would be out of the question. However, I held on to this dream for dear life, even if it never came true, I enjoyed thinking about it. Wistfully picturing myself there relaxing with a glass of red wine (or drink of choice to suit the moment), enjoying the peace and the scent of the cottage garden, using a well-loved palette of paints....all very romantic!

Then one day my wonderful Great Uncle died.
Uncle in his younger days

My Mum phoned up, I could hear in her voice she was extremely upset, Uncle had unexpectedly died aged 88, he was like a father to her. We'd always been a close little family so this hit everyone very hard.

A few months later I received the news that my amazing Great Uncle had kindly left my boys and I some money in his will. Enough for me to have a sizeable deposit for our first ever house. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined this, it would change our lives. I sobbed and laughed, and dared to dream a little bit more....

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