Saturday 27 August 2016

Garden of delights...and another list

The garden I had in my previous rented property was the size of a postage stamp, but well established. Those of you that are keen gardeners will identify with the wrench you feel when you leave established plants behind. There wasn't much garden design involved, but I had some cool plants. I split what I could, re-potted what I was able and took cuttings of other bits and pieces to come with us.

When I first looked at Pilgrim Cottage in late May/early June there had been an incredible flowering philadelphus tree in the garden, when the petals dropped it looked like confetti, hence we call it the confetti tree now and have adorned it with fairy lights. There were a few other trees, a Bay, an enormous listed Silver Birch, some lovely Soloman's Seal and a couple of roses and shrubs. Otherwise there was a beautifully cultivated crop of stingers and sharp vicious brambles, affectionately known as 'spiky bastards land'. Some old bones, which I'm pretty sure are animal rather than human, together with piles of rubble and crap.

Over the past year we have gradually cleared things and put different plants into the garden. Now, my gardening usually consists of me thinking 'oh that looks pretty, lets bung it in and see what happens'. Although, I have learnt some lessons about companion planting and staggering different heights, in order to not swamp smaller flora and fauna. I also have a penchant for more unusual quirky/goth plants like Lucifer, Red Hot Pokers, Bleeding Heart and Snakes Head Fritillaria. This next list is of plants I've put into the garden. Some have taken, some havn't. Ideally, if they do all take and establish I will have some kind of interest all year round (the list was devised with this in mind, with the help of some gardeny friends - especially Claire who I work with).

Flowers/Plants in 2015-16

  • Daffodils
  • Helibores
  • Lavender
  • Dicentra (bleeding heart)
  • Digitalis (foxglove)
  • Lupin
  • Delphinium
  • Wild Strawberry
  • Aubretia
  • Fritillaria
  • Allium
  • Euphorbia
  • Bacopa
  • Crocosmia (lucifer)
  • Marguerite
  • Aquilegia
  • Stachys
  • Dianthus
  • Saxifraga
  • Eryngium
  • Londons Pride
  • Coreopsis
  • Jasmine
  • Passion flower
  • Lupins
  • Cyclamen
  • Welsh Poppies
  • Daylilies
  • Mint
  • Curry plant
  • Sage
  • Chives
  • Oregano
  • Thyme
  • Marjoram
I'm hoping as things establish they will self-seed. We may lose some things over winter but it will be fun to see what comes back, and if anything new comes up along the way. The garden is one of the lowest priorities, and most of this is just a short term measure. However, it is a pleasure to be able to sit outside and enjoy the peace with some garden interest, or potter about mindlessly weeding. 

Garden cleared of crap
Dave wrecking a rogue tree

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